Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Curly Hair

I was helping a friend to take his daughter's 2nd birthday one Saturday and there were lots of kids running and jumping around but there's this particular girl that caught my attention. She has big round eyes and very curly hair!

Initially I was trying to capture her in slow motion when she runs around trying to catch the bubbles. But, all of a sudden she stops, stared into my lens and gave a slight smile, then went back to chasing the bubbles.

I was lucky to have my finger ready on my shutter-release button and at that very instant she looks into my lens and smile I quickly depressed my camera's shutter-release button to capture that very split second moment! I did take some more shots of her but none manage to capture any spontaneous moment.

Even though I managed to capture the split second moment with my camera, the surrounding was too clustered for my liking. Therefore I use my favourite picture editing tool, Photoshop, to crop out the unwanted surrounding so the emphasis will be solely on the girl.

Following are the original and the edited version of the picture.


Anthony said...


This was photos was nice.
Did you do some touch-up with the photos ?

Children running around is difficult to get a shots, must have a lot of patient...good shots.

Chris Ting said...

Hi Anthony,

Yes, I cropped the pictures and use the function called lens correction in PhotoShop CS2 to blur out the distracting background at the side.

Yup, taking children pictures require lots of waiting and anticipation of what they are going to do next in order to capture the best moment.