Friday, November 14, 2008

Laundry Hanging Competition

The rainy season in Singapore is back again. The passed few days have been raining heavily and it must have affected many people whose laundry are piling up with no where to dry. Well, this morning the sun is out again to the delight of many people because they could finally hang their laundry out to dry!

In the older housing estates, there are usually six laundry pole holes per household, for occupants to hang their laundry out to dry. This is sufficient for most households when the sun is shining brightly every day. Once it started raining continuously for a couple of days, with laundry piling up, the six laundry pole holes will no longer be sufficient. This is a time you can see how creative individuals could become!

Instead of having just six laundry poles for the six designated pole holes, there will be additional laundry poles crisscrossing each others or in a juxtaposition. The laundry are carefully arranged to get the maximum exposure to the sunshine!

Well, here are some interesting pictures depicting the creativity of laundry hanging. If there is a competition for laundry hanging, who would you pick?


Anthony said...


Wow, all sorts of pattern come out.
I think did they ever consider those pass-by...
If it drop what will happen below?

Chris Ting said...

Hi Anthony, you are right, these people never consider the safety of those people walking below!