Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Learning something new everyday

Recently I was looking at my colleague’s website and I saw an interesting picture where the whole picture is in monochrome except for a selected portion, a red dress, that stand out in bright red colour.

Initially I thought he has used Canon camera’s Picture Style function to create the effect but after checking with him I realised the effect was created in Photoshop. I have been using Photoshop since I started digital photography many years ago and yet I did not know that it is capable of creating this effect!

Mervyn is very kind to explain the Photoshop technique to me and I came home to try it out myself. I have selected a candid shot of a lady holding a red umbrella when she was posing for her friend beside an airplane for this effect. Here is the effect I created in Photoshop CS2.

There are many learning opportunities in everything. With an open mind, we could learn something new everyday!


Anthony said...


Wow, what a master piece...

This software already upgrade to CS3....

Chris Ting said...

Hi Anthony,
Thanks! If you know how it is done, I believed you'll not say it's a masterpiece : ).

Yes, I have a CS3 as well and it has much improved function. Only problem is it is very memory hungry and my pc is not fast enough. The Beta version of CS4 is already out.

Anthony said...


Computer is not so good as man brain lah...hahaha memory is always not enough, same like money.

Chris Ting said...

Hehehe, it is always money not enough! If got extra cash I will upgrade my computer : }

Edwin said...

I want to learn this.

Chris Ting said...

Sure Uncle,
I will tell you how it is done.