Sunday, August 3, 2008

NDP 08 Preview

This year has got to be the most pathetic NDP for me! I got a last minute NDP Preview ticket from a patron at my aunt’s Western Food Stall. But thanks to him I got to attend the preview. The only consolation was I seated between two lovely ladies, we chatted during the preview and enjoyed doing the Marina Bay Roar (yes, similar to the Kallang Roar that every Singaporean is familiar with).

To me the highlight event has got to be my favourite Singapore Air Force Black Knights doing their salutation formations and aerobatics flying! The annual flag bearing Chinook with accompanying Apache helicopters, the new paragliders, the Red Lions parachutists, and all other performances on the platform stage or on the bay all combined to make the night a spectacular one! The grand finale firework display is heightened by the latest dance music spin by DJs from the St. James Powerhouse! All the spectators were dancing and jiving as they leave the stadium.

I left this 43rd National Day Party with a deep impression from a sentense our Minister Mentor, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, made in a video clip on the large screen. I could not remember his exact words, but it goes something like this "....this is a mud land...but in 20 years time...this will become a cosmopolitan city!” The man is true to his words and Singapore has become a cosmopolitan city in a short span of time! I must say the left the stadium being proud that I'm a Singaporean!


Edwin said...


Chris Ting said...

Hi Uncle,
Thanks! Yes, the black knights are my favourite! I took a lot of pictures of it during the 6 minutes aero-display.