Monday, October 1, 2007

A new begining

Last night before midnight I was rather sad because I'm parting with a good buddy of 10years! My buddy name is '30s'. Yes its name is '30s'. My '30s'!

After twelve midnight, I welcomed my new friend '40s' and '40s' is here to stay with me for 10years! My-oh-my, you must be thinking what on earth am I talking about?! Have I gone bonkers?! Well not to worry, I'm still pretty much a sane person. '30s' and '40s' is referring to my age. Yes I'm officially 40-years-old today! Yup, the "Big Four-O" - I been around for 4 decades now. Wow, seems like a long long time!

My cousin is very kind and comforting, she sms me and told me 男人四十一条龙!Well, I really hope it holds true for me, otherwise I will be 男人四十老kock kock, hahahaha!

Today many of my friends and colleagues also wish me 'Happy Children Day" because it is Children's Day. Unfortunately, I wasn't born in China otherwise I will be celebrating National Day too and have "A Golden Week Holidays" to enjoy my birthday!

I wish to thanks my sister, my uncle, my cousins, my boss, my friends, my local and oversea colleagues, my ex-colleagues, my schoolmates, my acquaintances and my vendors for all the heartwarming smses, e-cards, calls and the mini celebration in office!
I'm ashamed to admit that I'm not a person who would call to say hello or keep in touch and still all of you bothered to remember my birthday! I'm truly overwhelmed by all your birthday wishes and greetings! The first sms I received was at 0003hr, then one at 0130hr (I'm sure you know who you are - hmm wondering why you are still awake at that time!) and the last sms I received was this evening 1930hr. Thank you all of you and I love you all!

Here's a picture of my birthday cake and two pictures taken with some of my colleagues in office.


Anthony said...


Don't worry 30' or 40', as long as you keep your heart will always in the 20'...hahaha, just like alan tham say he always 25'

Chris Ting said...

True...must keep my heart young and stay positive always! Hope everyone stay Forever Young!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Meng Meng,

Happy belated birthday!

WOW! 40 already? Time's flying.

Your birthday's picture proved that you are 男 人 四 十 一 朵 花 。 Life has just beginning, set your goal and get set....GO!

Aunty Jenny

Chris Ting said...

Hello Mi Ruan,
Thank you for your kind advise, I will take note!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,
40 already hah, but never mind. You are wiser now, aren't you? I am 46 born on Taiwan's National day. My children bought me a cake but requested no need candles (don't remind her of her age) but I feel if I grow old gracefully, I really don't mind.

Saw your uncle's blog, he's got sunset and you have sunrise in your blog. Day in day out, aren't we happy just to see sunset every evening and sunrise the next morning. We are blessed you know. What else could we ask for more.

Do you agree with me?

Anyway happy belated birthday to you, my libran friend.

Your libra friend,

Chris Ting said...

Hi Irene,
Thank you for your kind wishes!
Yes, I truely agreed with your statement. Let us live life to the fullest and treasure everyday that we are alive!
Cheers to you my friend : )

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Hi Chris

Happy Belated Birthday to u....