Sunday, October 28, 2007

Ian Thompson Memorial Football Match

Hmm, looks like this is a charity week for me. Last Tuesday I was at the elderly folk charity work and yesterday I was shooting video for a charity event "Ian Thompson Memorial".

I started filming for this event just last year. My Managing Director knows I am interested in photography and videoing so he asked me if I would like to help to video a charity football match for his pal Alistair Thompson and I promptly agreed because I have never film a football and further more it is for a good course so I thought why not. My MD role is the official commentator for the event and my HR director role is the director of the video and my role is a videographer.

Alistair's dad (Ian Thompson) passed away due to cancer a few years ago and he was very sad so he organised a charity football match and gather all his pals to play in the game to raise some money for the cancer organisation in memory of his dad. This football match started in Scotland a few years ago and when Alistair moved to Singapore, all his pals still fly-in from all over the world to support him in the event and to raise money for charity. This is a team spirit I greatly admired. These people are CEOs, MDs and Regional Managers of MMCs, who have very busy schedules to keep, and yet they are willing to take time off on their weekend to fly in to Singapore from as far as Scotland and the USA just for football match and to support their pal!

After last year football match, my HR Director edited the video footage and we screen it in a pub for the participants. Everyone was amazed by how the video turn out. There were some gossip interview footages with the players which really add to the success of the video. After an afternoon in the blazing sun these players could now seated down in the comfy of the pub to enjoy their food and drinks and laughing away heartily at their comical actions on the field and cursing at the little gossips from their pals.

Well, I have captured some very interesting footage on the field yesterday and a scene in the changing room! Hopefully we will have another enjoyable night at the pub when they video is out.

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