Sunday, January 11, 2009

Raffles Marina

Yesterday I went to Raffles Marina hoping to take some nice sunset pictures but to my disappointment the sky turned cloudy and there was no sunset!

Since I already went all the way there, I just make full use of the available light to take some pictures. I was hoping to take more pictures of all the beautiful and luxury boats in the Marina but I was stopped by a security guard. He told me I could take picture of the surrounding but not of the boats because the owner will complain. Hmm, another disappointment for me!

Nonetheless, when the security guard walked away, I went back to shooting the boats! Despite the bad weather, I managed to capture some pictures that I like. Here are some pictures to share with you.


Anthony said...


You have added some line in your photos, that cute. Just like comics...hahaha

Is that pretty lady your girlfriend ?

Chris Ting said...

Hi Anthony,
Thanks, I was trying out the Photoscape software. Find it quite fun too!

Unfortunately, she's not my girlfriend. She just bought a new camera and keen to learn photography so I invited her along : )